Shirley Napoleone

Shirley Napoleone


Shirley Napoleone is an alumna from the Orange County School of the Arts for Creative Writing and is attending Cornish College of the Arts for Film. She’s written for the LA Times HSInsider, her screenplays have been winners of the 2017 FanFilm Awards and the 2019 FanFic Gala, and she’s been published in magazines such as Blood Moon Rising and 1888 Center. When she isn’t writing or filming, she’s either hunting ghosts or curling up somewhere with a book and some music. She writes everything from nonfiction to horror and is currently trying to find a way to cure vampirism (asking for a friend). 


SoS is about the dark side of the mind, with all these wonderings that may not be spoken aloud. It’s a glimpse behind the curtain at what might be lurking behind a smile, and how something may start out innocent, it doesn’t always end that way. –Shirley


See Me

Inspired by Marina Abramovic’s “The Artist Is Present,” See Me is a short film that experiments with time and emotion related to the audience rather than the subject. -Shirley




Who Goes There? pt.1

I. Zoe

Let’s just start with “it was highly unusual.”

When Zoe was put into the observation room without the other two interns, she didn’t question it. When the door locked behind her, she didn’t question it. And she didn’t question the restraints on the table sitting in the middle of the total whiteness of the room. It was when one of her mentors walked in from another door, holding a syringe filled with dark liquid and a very clear intent in his eyes, that Zoe began to question what was happening.

“I thought we were doing some testing,” she asked, looking back to her mentor, who had closed the distance between himself and Zoe quickly.

Peter’s face broke into a smile, but it seemed forced. There was too much curl at the ends, and it never reached his eyes. “We are.” He looks down at the syringe. 

It took Zoe a second to understand the hidden meaning behind his words. “We’re doing… what?” The question stuck in her throat as she hoped to whatever god was watching that he meant anything but what she thought she did.

“Don’t worry, it’s completely safe. Lab tests on rats prove there’s nothing harmful about the disease and if something were to go wrong, we’ve developed a vaccination that will destroy the diseased cells before they can reproduce too quickly.”

Zoe took a step back, shaking her head. She was having trouble forming words. “I, I…” she swallowed to try and get rid of the lump forming in her throat. “I didn’t sign up for this.”

Peter began to advance, starting to cover the distance between them again. He cocked his head with a copy of a sympathetic smile on his face, the needle of the syringe glinting in the bright, fluorescent light. 

“It was all in the contract you signed.”

Read more here…



Who Goes There? pt.2

An accompanying set of photos for “part 1 of Who Goes There?” 

More images from this series here…




Constructed is a series of photos that have been constructed specifically for the camera. Created from everyday things, this series is about interesting compositions and engaging visuals. -Shirley

More images from this series here…