Amanda Dill
Ever since I’ve become interested in art as a form of self-expression, I’ve always been drawn to how it can be used to represent human condition. From that point on, I’ve dedicated myself to creating art and stories that portray themes of human interaction, passage of time, self worth, and the importance of presence. Since I’ve started studying at Cornish, I’ve become more comfortable with showing vulnerability in my work, and have recently become passionate in creating work that is not only representative of society, but introspective of myself.
“A chat about time with my grandpa”
A short film created in collaboration with my 82-year-old grandfather where we discuss life, time, and generational differences. -Amanda
You Belong Here
Multimedia collage I created upon moving to Seattle, in reference to my sense of belonging in a new city and chapter in my life. – Amanda
“We are here only for a moment, I tell myself.”
An abstract composition inspired by a poem, that I created using hand drawn ink-letting brought into and distorted in photoshop. Created for a collaborate class book project. -Amanda
“Materiality: Time”
Series of photos created for my darkroom photography class, for an assignment in which we were challenged to experiment with not only the concept of time, but the materiality of time in photography. -Amanda
“Sleeping in Seattle”
An old-school horror-themed Photo Roman short film I created with my classmates. I was the director of photography, and editor of this project. -Amanda