Jade Ramos

Jade Ramos hails from Waipahu, Hawaii. She’ll join Cornish’s Interior Architecture program this autumn and plans, eventually, to open and manage her own interior design or architecture firm. Jade is also interested in photography. About her process, she writes, “I like to stare off and let my mind get lost until I am thinking of the most random things, and those things turn into situations, and those situations turn into images or objects. It’s weird how our brains work.” Jade enjoys moist cornbread.

Hole in the Wall, steel pencil rod, cotton fabric, and vinyl

“This was the first time I’ve created a sculpture, and it was my first time working with these specific materials. Also, it was my first time experimenting with and studying a space. I found myself asking things like, ‘How can I create depth?'” – Jade 

Touching, watercolor on paper

“This series of watercolor paintings is part of my color lithography process. It’s all I could do right now since we aren’t able to use the print lab.” – Jade