Laylah Goodrum

Laylah Goodrum

Hello I am Laylah, a student aiming to be in animation/illustration. My first year has helped grow as an artist, each piece is me experimenting and trying new thing that are out of my comfort zone. But in the end has helped me become versatile as it helped me take new tasks with different techniques and programs. Along with my experiences at that time, most of these pieces are exploring how I can step out of my comfort zone.



One of first illustrations in my Intro to Illustration class. Our main goal was to use watercolor to build up the main piece. -Laylah



For this project, I told my story of Change in a familiar space through visuals. –Laylah



To see this project in full, download the app “Artivive”. Each element represents a part of me as a character. -Laylah



For one of my finals, we had to do a piece based around the concept of time. I based it around how precious time is.-Laylah