Mattia Marsi

Mattia Marsi, from Monfalcone, Italy, is at Cornish to pursue a degree in Interior Architecture. His interests extend to illustration and business, and he plans to open his own architecture firm one day. Mattia likes working in pencil, and, like the Renaissance political philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli, admires an intelligence that understands things for itself. Mattia does not enjoy any corn-based foods.

Der Kaiser, ink on paper

“This piece is a historical portrait of Kaiser Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary, who governed the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, including the region of Italy I hail from. Without his contributions to the people, we wouldn’t be able to read, write, or even have traditions that are still alive in the region. The piece allowed me to use colors I normally wouldn’t have used before; it put me out of my comfort zone and into new ways of expressing myself through color.” – Mattia

Casa Ancestrale, foam board and paint

“The piece is a model of my ancestral home in former Italian territory, today’s Slovenia. The home to me is a symbol of my family’s history, something I hold extremely dear to my heart. I wanted to recreate the house as a way to get closer and more in touch with family ties. Thus the house was recreated using stories from family who’ve lived there and images I have of it.” Mattia