Melanie Zhgenti

Melanie Zhgenti

Melanie Zhgenti is an Animation major who enjoys breaking out of her comfort zone and trying new forms of art. Although she specializes in animation and illustration, she has been working with models, letterforms, film, photography, and design this year. Melanie enjoys bringing color, life, and good energy to others through her work.


Seattle is Green

This is model of a walk that was taken over ten times, composed of leaves and branches found along the way. This is a representation of leaving my home that was surrounded by luscious forest and moving to a big city– and how I am trying my best to find nature within it. -Melanie


Golden Home

This is a house made of different shapes, including the golden ratio. It was made with the help of Illustrator and a laser cutter. -Melanie



This photograph was taken with a cardboard box (camera obscura) and was processed in a dark room. -Melanie


A System of Mila

This is a series of illustrations of the things I carry with me daily, such as my ID, my iPhone, and lots of tampons. -Melanie



This is a signature done for a letter form module for studio. -Melanie