Torreya Simon is from Washington State and arrived at Cornish to pursue a degree in Art. She especially enjoys working with oil paint, oil pastels, and graphite, and her interests extend to music, backpacking, gardening, and her work as a licensed esthetician. About her process, Tory writes, “I have been working on not trying to make ‘good’ art. Instead, I focus on making the piece I have envisioned. Thinking this way relieves the pressure of seeking perfection and I am able to invest myself more.” Tory enjoys her mom’s cornbread.

“In this piece, I was practicing abstracting landscapes, which was an unfamiliar process for me. I stopped by Pike Place to pick up a gift, and I was struck by the light and color fragmented by the rain. I wanted to portray the atmosphere and emotion I felt in that moment while not necessarily tying it to that specific place, leaving it up to the viewer to assign their own memory.” – Tory